11+ Verbal Reasoning Quick Practice Tests Age 10-11 for the GL Assessment tests (Letts 11+ Success)

11+ Verbal Reasoning Quick Practice Tests Age 10-11 for the GL Assessment tests (Letts 11+ Success)

B. Indonesia Tugas: 1. Buatlah sinopsis cerita fiksi (ringkasan cerita) dari buku yang berjudul Ayam Jantan dari Timur. Sebelum membuat sinopsis tulis terlebih dahulu identitas buku. Judul buku : Nama penulis : Tahun terbit : Tempat terbit : Nama penerbit : Tebal buku (jumlah halaman). Sinopsis yang ananda buat maksimal 2 lembar timbal balik, silakan ananda buat ringkasan ceritanya dengan mengambil gagasan2 pokok yg terdapat dalam cerita tersebut. 2. Buatlah pemetaan (gambar) gagasan pokok pada materi KD 3.15 menemukan unsur-unsur dari buku fiksi dan nonfiksi yang dibaca. Materi ini telah ibu share. Pemetaan yang ananda buat harus menarik dengan gambar yg kreatif dan pewarnaan yang menarik pula.​

B. inggris range the following sentences to form a sequential dialog. -actice the dialog with your friend and record your performance. hare the recording with the class. ea: It's O.K. It can't be helped that you have a blackout at home. ea: Sure. Why don't you use one in the living room? We can work our assi ea Hi, Sani. Come in, please. ea: Well, our house has solar panels for our backup power. ea: My mother is an electrician. She knows about that sort of stuff. ea: Well, you shouldn't worry about that here. ani: All right, thanks. ani: I am surprised that your house doesn't have a blackout. ani: I see. Now, can I use your plug-in for my laptop? Sani: Hi, Dea. Thanks for having me. Sani: Wow! That's really useful. How do you install them? Sani: Yeah. I can't finish my assignment because of that. Complete the following short dialogs with suitable expressions of suggesting or Practice the dialogs with your friend and record your performance. Chare your work with the class. Dialog 1 adi Hi, Rita. How are you? Rita Hi, Yadi. I'm good. And you? adi: I'm good too. Do you have any plans this weekend? I don't have anything special to do. Why? Tiara, Ihsan, Laras, and I will have a cookout in Laras's backyard. WI (1). tita adi Activity 15 Zita Dialog 2 eni (2). Dian leni ian with affordable prices. I'd love to, but I have to attend an online class tomorrow. I see. When will you be free this week? I will be free on Saturday. leni Let's do other things on Saturday. What about going to the flower g ian (3) Dialog 3 ikto: Did you see my charger, Hana? ana: I don't know. Have you checked the cabinet in the living room? Likto: I have, but it's not there. ana: I think there is another charger stored in the cabinet near the kitch (4) ikto: You're right. O.K., I'll get it. ana: (5). ikto: Thanks, Sis.